Urban Mobility Game: İzmir Fair
Yaşar University, İZFAŞ
Developing urban mobility scenarios for an accessible and inclusive fair in Izmir
Digital poll open for all Izmir residents, game meeting for 8 representetives of Izmir local goverment, 24 gaming studios, 4 local NGO's and 2 academics
April-October, 2023
In 2015, İzmir Fair relocated from the center of Izmir to Gaziemir and is currently in the process of integrating with its new surroundings. The Digital Game Campus of İzmir Fair adopts an approach that provides a creative environment and emphasizes accessibility. In this context, Play the City designed a game based on urban mobility to collaboratively shape the future of the incubation area of İzmir Fair and the Digital Game Campus.
This city game brings a gaming incubator with tens of innovative gaming companies, three universities, local government departments of planning, mobility, and international fair together. They put their minds together for integrating fast expanding southern peripheries of Izmir, economically, socially and surely also spatially.
During the game process, the focus will be on more intensive use of the area in collaboration with the Digital Game Campus. Questions such as how to reach the fair using which means of transportation, how to integrate the fair area into the vibrant life of the city, how to ensure direct and clean transportation for sustainable mobility, and what short, medium, and long-term actions will be taken to make the fair accessible and inclusive have been explored.