Enexis Energy Region
Enexis Netbeherigheid
Communicating complex data for data driven and collective regional energy visions
Provinces of Overijssel, Drenthe, Groningen, Drenthe, Noord-Brabant and Limburg with corresponding local governments
~150 participants
March 2024 - December 2025
Enexis Netbeheer manages energy distribution in the northern, eastern, and southern regions of the Netherlands. The primary goal of the Enexis Energy Region Interface is to facilitate the communication of complex data, including energy transition forecasts. Based on this input, participating stakeholders are expected to make well-informed, collective decisions. By making anticipated developments and their spatial, technical, and financial impacts on the energy system tangible, the interface enables participants to prioritize investments for the coming decades.
The Netherlands faces significant challenges, including housing, climate and energy transitions, nitrogen emissions, nature conservation, and mobility. These issues have become increasingly urgent in recent years, driving transformation across the country: homes, businesses, and vehicles are becoming more sustainable; the use of gas and coal is decreasing; and energy production from wind and solar is increasing.
New homes, industries, and data centers are also emerging. Additionally, the way we generate, consume, and transport energy is evolving. The current energy system is not designed to accommodate these large-scale changes, necessitating substantial investments in energy infrastructure, system adjustments, spatial planning, legislation, and policies over the coming decades. Spatial development, sectoral and supply chain planning, and energy system development must be addressed in an integrated manner through a process known as Integrated Programming. One of the key outputs of Integrated Programming is the Energy Vision [Energievisie].
Energy Vision
The Energy Vision outlines guiding choices and frameworks for the aforementioned plans and developments. It provides a vision for what the energy system should look like by 2050, addressing decisions such as where, when, and how much of various energy carriers will be used or generated, and under what conditions. The 2050 energy system is shaped by developments occurring within the province, those the province aims to encourage, and those it seeks to prevent (i.e., developments that do not align with the Energy Vision).
Enexis Energy Region Interface aims to provide direction by clarifying the choices that need to be made and highlighting already established development paths and investments. Thanks to the multiplayer environment, the data-driven interface facilitates collective and concrete answers for questions, such as: What infrastructure already exists or is being added? What energy plans and ambitions are incorporated into forecasts? What are the potential energy-related developments? How will these decisions shape the required energy system and infrastructure at a high level?